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free with myself, and I 
Mar held up a hand to silence him.  I ve been the King s advisor
for a long time, Salvatore. I ve seen a lot of people go through
transition during that period. None of them have done as well as you.
Fae aren t naturally monogamous creatures. You and the King are
Ravyn s Destiny 61
unique in that. That is why myself and others believe that you are his
The Demon Prince chuckled.  That s what I call him. He looked
once again at the door and stroked the carved surface.  What s this
door anyways?
 It s the King s private bedchambers. Mar knocked twice, and
the gigantic doors swung open on their own accord.  Go on in. Destin
should be arriving back today, so it ll be your last chance to explore it
on your own. I ll wait out here. Go on. I know you re dying to see his
things. And he was.
He couldn t help it. This room represented Destin s inner
workings to Salvatore. He d learned that they were a lot alike over the
past few months, and if they were anything alike he knew that his
bedroom would be his sanctuary. Maybe it would provide the key to
the Fae King s heart. Whenever Destin had been in the palace, he d
studiously avoided being alone or near Salvatore. The Demon Prince
wasn t stupid. He knew a part of Destin was absolutely terrified of
him, but he wanted the chance to show him that he meant what he
said. He wanted to cherish the other man like no other had done
He glanced once more at Mar and then strode through the door.
The heavy wood closed behind him, leaving him to his own devices in
the King s bedchambers. The people of the Summer Court were very
open about themselves, so it wasn t that unusual that Mar would offer
to show him the inner sanctuary of someone. They had very little
violence in Underhill. Even the warriors saved their fighting for
arenas, entertainments, and the occasional defensive move when they
were struck by outside forces. As far as Salvatore could guess, the
shadows were the only truly malevolent creatures that existed here.
The King s bedchamber surprised him. Unlike Salvatore s room,
which had bright colors and elegant fixings, Destin s room looked
like something out of a punk rock magazine. The room was a study of
blacks and neons, black being the predominant color. He had a swank
62 Jana Downs
neon-green carpet over dark, almost black, hardwood which ran
underneath and around a huge industrial-looking bed with black,
twisted posts which looked like mangled tree branches. Instead of soft
linen for a canopy, chains of silver hung like curtains around the bed
itself. The tops of each post were graced with fierce-looking
gargoyles with rubies for eyes. From where he stood he could see a
pitch-black comforter pinstriped with pink, green, and blue neon
stripes. Salvatore almost smiled at that. Destin was a being of nature
yet he reveled in the punk industrial scene. His piercings should ve
clued him in on that, but he had expected a restraint of those things
here in a Fae Kingdom. It screamed defiance, and Salvatore found
that oddly appealing.
Off to one side were two large wardrobes which housed all his
clothes. One was what Salvatore had seen him sporting Earth side,
black clothes, fishnets, chains. Everything a Goth kid would ve
drooled over. The other was obviously what he wore around the
palace and to Court. The clothes were the same soft, thin material that
Salvatore had become familiar with as the haute fashion in Underhill.
They were all rich colors and seemed oddly foreign in the space. In
that wardrobe also hung a variety of circlets and crowns which were
housed on the back of the door like ties in a businessman s bedroom.
Those two objects seemed to sum up his soon-to-be lover nicely.
Destiny was both the responsible king and the rogue, the ruler and the
punk, the authority and the antiauthority all rolled into one. The
Summer Darkness. It was sexy as hell.
He tried to look at the rest of the room with the band posters and
the other plethora of punk imagery, but he kept being drawn again and
again to the bed at the center. He wanted to feel the comforter that
Destin slept on, inhale his scent on the sheets. In an effort to distract
himself from the encouragement of his other self telling him that it
was his right to do so, he opened the bedside dresser right outside the
chain curtains.
Ravyn s Destiny 63
He blinked. What the hell? It wasn t what he d been expecting. He
took out several tattoo and punk magazines that he d never seen
before. A naked man on the cover of one gave the camera a cocky
fuck-me smirk while one hand cupped an impressive erection. His
hair was done up in a Mohawk that had as many colors as the
rainbow, and his tight body played homage to Japanese artistry in the
tattoos he was sporting. His nipples shone from the barbells that were
shoved through and an odd-looking piercing ran down the center of
his chest down his stomach and stopped just above his arousal. It
looked like the back of a corset to Salvatore. The half loops were
strung with what looked like red-and-black satin ribbon and
crisscrossed his body before ending in a neat bow just above his cock.
He looked like a present.
If this was what Destin was wanting, Salvatore was sorely
lacking. He was the picture of courtly elegance and always had been.
He d fit so well into his role of Prince that he d never even had the
inclination to try to cut his hair. He was a Prince. As the Prince he had
a right to have it long. So he kept it that way. He d certainly never
dyed it. And piercings? Why? It had never occurred to him.
He bit his bottom lip. Shit. I can t exactly match up to his
fantasies, can I? He looked down at his beautiful body in disgust. He
fit in fine with the courtiers. They all loved him to death, but Destin
wasn t like them. He liked men edgy, apparently. Salvatore didn t
know how to do edgy. He growled in frustration and resisted the urge
to shred the magazines for the crime of having something Destin
wanted that he didn t have.
Instead, he tossed them on the bed and started rummaging through
the drawer again. Buried at the bottom under another set of magazines
was a thick, leather-bound journal. His Ravyn, Germany, had one
similar that he wrote down his thoughts and private musings in.
Salvatore hesitated. It felt like an invasion of privacy to be rifling
through another man s private journal but& dammit, Destin didn t
want a gentleman, did he? He wanted an edgy guy like in his porn
64 Jana Downs
rags. Edgy guys didn t give a shit about being gentlemen. He
defiantly took out the journal and flipped to a random page and began
to skim the neat scrawl that his Destiny had penned.
I met someone tonight. He s new to the club and is the most
beautiful creature I ve ever seen. I don t think he s human, but the
way he looked at me made me shiver. I know better, but I can t stop
thinking about what he said when I asked him if he was going to do
body shots like his friend. He told me that he didn t want another s
hands on his body. He just wanted the touch of one person in
particular. It sounded like it was directed at me. I know that s stupid,
but I nearly melted right then and there.
Salvatore flipped to another page. Whoever this guy was that he
was talking about was making him jealous as hell.
Lord and Lady, why can t I get any relief? Every time he walks in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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  • Sitedesign by AltusUmbrae.