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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] tonight. The weather s perfect, the sun is shining, and you look amazing. I want to show you off. An inner smile perched on her heart. What kind of music? Eight-piece band, early jazz from around the nineteen-thirties. Nice. She smiled. I haven t listened to a jazz group in ages. When I came to your place and saw pictures of flapper girls hanging on your walls, I figured you d like it. Good observation. How did he keep doing that? Continuously intuiting what she liked and why? Few guys bothered taking the time to understand a woman the way Trey invested himself in discovering her. Suddenly, her pulse stuttered. Her heart tripped and fell into a swirling pool of emotion. She grabbed her seat as if she d hopped a rollercoaster at the top of a hill, and the ride began to plunge at breathtaking speeds. She grew dizzy, disoriented. Her heart beat so fast her lungs could barely take in enough air. She blinked. The scenery around her came back into focus. What just happened? She d never experienced anything like it, freefalling into an abyss of stomach-flipping, toe-curling, raw and terrifying exhilaration. She couldn t stop smiling, like she was& Falling in love. With Trey. Oh, no. Paralyzing doubt crept in, but it couldn t dim this sense of freedom in flight. This desire to let go, let the momentum carry her to a destination where she belonged, but hadn t believed truly existed. Until now. I can turn the air conditioning on, Trey offered, if you re too warm. Lifting a hand to her heated cheeks, she shook her head. No, it s fine. I m good. I think. Even as reason and ration returned to her brain cells, the giddiness remained. I m happy, she said with a trace of wonder. Trey smiled. Glad to hear that. They pulled into a parking lot. He cut the engine, stepped out of the car and grabbed a basket from the narrow backseat. Then he moved to the passenger side and opened the door for her. Standing on the pavement, she lifted her sunglasses to rest on top of her head. Her senses were amplified. The scent of freshly mowed lawn filled her nose. Cheerful birds sang in the air. The green leaves of the trees looked almost fluorescent against the bright blue sky. Pink and purple petals of clustered posies filled half-barrel pots and the blooms flitted in the breeze. Instead of waiting for Trey to reach for her, she took his hand first, twining their fingers. His big hand engulfed hers and squeezed affectionately. A smile filled her soul. Life was good. Very good. Too good? The alarm bells of internal caution faded to an annoying ding, like a computer alert for an email she d received but didn t care to open. Church bells rang out across the grassy field, a pleasing echo that drowned the faint little dings of doubt in her head. Lost in her heightened awareness of the moment, she didn t want to be found. She wanted to enjoy this moment with Trey and the euphoric emotions unfurling within. They set up their picnic in a square of grass between a young pair with tattoos and a gray- haired couple. Trey whipped the red-and-black checkered blanket until it caught the breeze and floated to the ground. She tugged the corners until the cloth made a perfect square then joined him in the center. He lifted one flap of the picnic basket and withdrew a carafe of white wine and two glasses. Are we allowed to drink in public? she asked. He nodded to the young couple on their left holding cozies of Coors Light. That answered her question. After they finished the turkey and cheese sandwiches he d made, along with a carton of potato salad, Trey tossed their paper plates and plastic utensils in the trash. When he returned, he sat behind her instead of beside her. He pulled her between his legs, and she leaned into his solid chest, letting her head fall back against his shoulder. A sense of fulfillment rippled through her like gentle waves. She closed her eyes. The bass drum thumped like the steady beat of Trey s heart. The rasp of cymbals kept pace with the standup bass player s notes. The brass section punctuated the rhythms with bursts of enthusiasm. Guitar chords lent a soothing strum. A sigh left her lips. This is perfect. He dropped a kiss to her neck and she felt him smile. I agree. Then her eyes popped open. Why didn t you bring Peanut? Trey poured them both another half a glass of wine. At the pet care place, the other dogs must [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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