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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] me feel like a worm. He criticized my obsession to perfect the practice of Kriya. He explained that the very desire to master a meditation technique meant cultivating desire and this was against Buddhist principles. The belief that the power (Baraka) of the great Teachers of the past, is still present in their descendants, as a non-stop chain is common enough. He was convinced that the spiritual progress cannot happen except through receiving this "power". In his life he was destined to went on receiving Kriya from those who claimed to have a valid lineage although their teachings didn't add nothing to what he already knew. He was spellbound by the idea of "transmission of power." He believed that the power received through initiation had in itself the power of redemption. He gave not so much importance to be serious in the practice of the Kriya techniques he said they were just to purify oneself before receiving the real ''initiation'' which for him meant ''power.'' What I never understood of him was that now and then he went to assist to the liturgical practices of a Catholic church only ''as a bland form of exorcism.'' Unfortunately, he went on paying attention to the revelations coming from a healer (a channeler 13 ) to whom he went in order that the spirits reveal to him 13 Classical spiritualism - characterized by a person (medium) who enters a trance state at a desk, answers the questions put by the bystanders through a code of loud raps - has handed over its place to more modern methods such as those where all the participants, putting their hands on an upside-down glass to move it among the letters of the alphabet stamped on a comfortable flexible tablet (Ouija board). Many prefer the more accessible revelations of a channeler who lets the invoked entity express through the flood of his own eloquence. It is interesting to see how the channeler's biographies trace a common scheme. All tell that once they were skeptic of their own faculties and would not accept yielding to the higher Will who had decided to entrust to them the mission to serve as medium between spirits and humanity. Once their mission was accepted, from the same ultra mundane source came the inspiration to mix the flow of the various revelations with the diagnosis of unlikely illnesses, with prescription of expensive alternative remedies. 67 the karmic reason of a light illness that in my opinion, could be cured easily following the usual dietary rules. Later he met a group of people who practiced spiritualism and had Kardec as occult teacher. I attended a couple of times their meetings. The lifestyle reigning in that gloomy environment had the characteristics of a cult even if they disguised as a catholic group of prayer. My friend created a strong bond with that group; unfortunately that farce cost him dearly. He plunged into situations of such a narrow vision that his behavior appeared grotesque. It was a revelation for me to witness his mental fragility. Very often, from behind the mask of a self-confident appearance, a frail personality allowed others to defraud him in the worst of the ways. His original desire to find a channel that put him in direct contact with the power and blessings of ancient masters ended in the worst of all prisons. He gave all his possessions, and the totality of his energies, to a person who was an authentic rogue. 14 That person claimed to have had the privilege to communicate through a medium with P.Y. and with Lahiri Mahasaya. It was pathetic and, to an extent, even amusing being told that nowadays P.Y. 's message is: "In this epoch, the Kriya is old-fashioned and useless. Devotion is enough!". Another kriyaban friend seemed to live only for "improving" his Kriya by incorporating various esoteric procedures, even those described in the manuals of Ceremonial magic. He was convinced that only by using certain formulas and initiatic symbols, was it possible to complete the evolutionary jump conducive to liberation. After a great insistence, I accepted to read what for him was a masterpiece of initiatic literature. The book surprised me for the quantity of information it contained. While reading it, I entered an almost hypnotic state and didn't immediately realize that each chain of ideas therein contained had no basis at all, but was only offspring of the unbridled imagination of the author. Through an intoxication with words, the author's imagination dared to develop free from the relationship with reality and from the rules of logic. The whole thing was only a pure mental enjoyment comparable to that of reading a fantasy novel. Reading Tolkien would have been immensely more interesting and wise. How can you think of experiencing something concrete by just reading such junk? I counseled to my friend some good books; he stated he had already read them. But it was a lie he preferred to keep them at a distance. I came to know that he was the spiritual guide of a small group of persons posing as christian devotees, while they were just bewildered. I can't imagine what he taught them since he never talk to me of this activity. 14 I have some grounds to believe that the untrustworthy soil of spiritualism is one of the best areas to cultivate splits inside one's personality. Apart from the automatic writing in which the one who asks is the same person that gives the answer, the Medium knows in advance the preferences and anticipations of the person who addresses him. Therefore all becomes like a closed circuit: question and answer reverberate in an endless loop like the feedback of a microphone set next to its loud speaker. As anyone can observe, the messages are always agreeable. Every adept, even of limited intelligence, receives the message that the Divine has assigned him an important mission& I believe that this is, psychologically speaking, very dangerous. 68 One day he met a self-named expert in occult matters who purported to know the secrets of an almost extinct esoteric path and, in particular, a spiritual technique far more advanced than those known today, which was practiced centuries or millennia ago, by few privileged beings. This "expert" guided him sweetly but with the surety of a mature professional, towards a situation in which his economic base, essential to his living, was at risk of being swept away, completely reduced to shambles. He easily bewitched him. "Now that humanity is different from before, such teachings are not revealed to just anyone" he started off, then after a pause and with a sigh, finally concluded: "Today's students would not know how to appreciate them and, in their hands, they could be dangerous." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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