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I always seek for such situations to practise my spoken English. I must admit that
the opportunities I have, at least for the time being are not many. Apart from my
job as a teacher which involves inevitably association with native speakers, I have
also a few English speaking friends with whom I can always practise the language
in a most natural way.
As regards to what could help me to develop my spoken English, I think that
traveling to U.K. or even attending short summer courses could prove to be very
fruitful towards that purpose. Extensive reading is also an excellent means of
expanding your vocabulary and broadening your mind. Thus it helps to raise your
confidence when performing in the target language.
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I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving me the chance to
contribute something to your magazine.
Yours faithfully
Chryssoula Andrianopoulous
Overall, this represents a reasonable standard for CEELT Level II with clear
evidence of achievement of the specified writing criteria. The content and
organisation of the report is clear and well developed in spite of the
inappropriate letter format. Perhaps, however, the candidate tends to make
generalisations through nominalisation of her learning strategies ( my .. learning
experiences ,  practising in real situations ,  extensive reading ) which could
have had more impact had they been described in more specific detail or
exemplified with concrete and personal cases. There are a few grammatical
errors in the areas of adverb placement and certain types of adverbial phrase
yet these are not confusing for the reader. The use of language is reasonably
appropriate to the function of the text although some lexical and grammatical
choices tend to give a somewhat stilted and perhaps over-formal tenor to the
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Name of institution (if applicable):
Contact address:
Living in a non-English speaking country though, english is definately my every
day and the best foreign language. Since I have spoken English for a long time, I
might have to think back the days I learned  ABC , and it could be a good
opportunity to review how I have learned speaking as well as a corner stone for
further learning for future.
Firstly, despite my three-year course of English at school, I really could not
speak at all. This was partially due to the education system and my cultural
background: Worrying meticulously about grammatical mistakes and hesitation
make me even more difficult speak. Moreover, what I needed was self-confidence, a
very important psychological element, I believe.
Afterwards, I had an opportunity to be in an English-speaking environment,
where no one understood me unless I did not open my mouth. Under such
circumstances, I really pushed myself to say something whether it was
grammatically correct or not. In this way, it allayed, at least, my fear of speaking,
and I became gradually confident, not only about the language but also myself.
Secondly it is very important to keep up the language skill, especially speaking.
Becuase speaking requires spontaneous reaction and rather quick thinking and
understanding skills, a practice plays an essential role. Fortunately in Zurich, where
I live, there are a lot of opportunities to practise English such as cultural events,
social activities, schools and at work. For example, I am involved in an English-
speaking church community, working part-time at an international school, and I
enjoy going to art lectures, plays and so on. Chances are there, and it is up to me
to take advantage of them.
Thirdly, learning a language has no end. Occasionally I think how to improve
my English skills effectively. My biggest concern about speaking English is that I
tend to mix with German. A friend of mine (an American lady!)
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suggested that I should set a certain day on time to speak only English with my
partner or a friend. Furthermore, if the situation allows or a suitable person is
available, I would like to have a tutor, who could supervise my speaking all the time
so that I would be able to speak accurately with a proper pronunciation.
Although having taken CPE and CEELT, certainly it is not the end of my English
study program. I will try to set my own goal and keep on learning hopefully.
There is a patchy, uneven quality to this script. The writer provides a sincere and
reasonably full response to the difficulties of mastering and keeping up her
spoken English. She is able to draw on a good range of appropriate lexis and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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