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B. Modify the CK ProductLoader class to be derived from IAsyncResult.
C. Configure the CK ProductLoader class to be a client-activated .NET Remoting object.
D. Configure the client application to have its own remoting channel that matches the server's channel and
Answer: A
Explanation: Asynchronous executation will enable the caller to continue to execute. One of the innovations
provided by the asynchronous pattern is that the caller decides whether a particular call should be asynchronous.
It is not necessary for a called object to do additional programming for supporting asynchronous behavior by its
asynchronous delegates provide for this in the pattern.
Reference: .NET Framework Developer's Guide, Asynchronous Design Pattern Overview
Incorrect Answers
B: Incomplete solution.
C: Remoting objects do not meet the requirements of this scenario.
D: Channels are just a way to communicate.
QUESTION 58 Certkiller buys and sells used refrigerators. External vendors frequently send you XML
documents that list one type of used appliances for sale. The documents that you receive contain either only
washers or only refrigerators as in the following example.
All incoming XML documents are loaded into a MemorySystem object named usedList.
You need to automate a process that will discover XML documents contain refrigerator elements. As soon as
you ascertain that a document contains refrigerators, you can stop processing the document. You decide to use
Visual studio .NET to develop an application that will contain a Boolean variable named has Refrigerator. A
value of True for this variable means that a document contains refrigerator elements. A value of false means
that it does not. You want to ensure that the discovery process occurs as quickly as possible.
What should you do?
A. Create an XmlDocument object and load it from usedList. Use the SelectSingleNode method to search the
XmlDocument object for the saleList/refrigerators node. If this node is found, set has Refrigerator to True.
Otherwise, set has Refrigerator to False.
B. Create an XmlXPathDocument object and load it from usedList. Use an XPathNavigator object to search the
XmlXPathDocument for the saleList/refrigerators node.
If this node is found, set has Refrigerator to True. Otherwise, set has Refrigerator to False.
C. Create an XmlTextReader object on usedList. Loop through usedList by using the Move To Content method
of the XmlTextReader object and comparing for the saleList/refrigerators node. If this node is found, set has
Refrigerator to True. Otherwise, set has Refrigerator to False.
D. Create a Dataset object and use its ReadXml method to load usedList into the object. If the Count property of
the Rows collection of the "refrigerators" entry in the object is not equal to zero, set has Refrigerator to True.
Otherwise, set has Refrigerator to False.
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Answer: A.
Explanation: The SelectSingleNode method selects the first XmlNode that matches the XPath expression. If no
nodes match the query, it returns Null. This suggested procedure would meet the requirements of this scenario.
Furthermore, this would be the fastest solution.
Note: An XMLDocument object represents an XML document and enables the navigation and editing of this
Reference: .NET Framework Class Library, XmlNode.SelectSingleNode Method [C#]
Incorrect Answers
B: There is no such thing as a XmlXPathDocument.
C: XmlReader provides forward-only, read-only access to a stream of XML data. The Move To Content method
can be used on a XmlReader stream to provide a possible solution in this scenario. However, it would be fastest
solution. Note: The Move To Content method checks whether the current node is a content (nonwhite space
text, CDATA, Element, End Element, Entity Reference, or End Entity) node. If the node is not a content node,
the reader skips ahead to the next content node or end of file.
D: This proposed solution is not straightforward, and is therefore slow.
QUESTION 59 You create an XML web service that retrieves data from Microsoft SQL Server database. You
instantiate a SqlConnection object named CKConnection and set the Max Pool Size property of the connection
String to 50. All 50 connections are now in use. However, a request for connection number 51 is received.
What is the most likely result?
A. An exception is immediately thrown.
B. The current connection pool is expanded by 50 additional connections.
C. A new connection pool is created that has the same maximum number of connections.
D. The request is queued until a connection becomes available or until the timeout limit is reached.
Answer: D
Explanation: The Max Pool Size property denotes the maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. If
the maximum pool size has been reached and no usable connection is available, the request is queued. The
object Pooler satisfies these requests by reallocating connections as they are released back into the pool. If the
time-out period elapses before a connection object can be obtained, an error occurs.
Reference: .NET Framework Developer's Guide, Connection Pooling for the SQL Server .NET Data Provider
Incorrect Answers
A: An exception is only thrown after the request has been queued and after the timeout limit is reached.
B: The maximum number of concurrent connections has been reached. No further connections would be
allowed at the moment.
C: No new connection pool is created.
QUESTION 60 You have a strongly typed Dataset object named CK DataSet. This object contains three
DataTable objects named Customers, Orders and OrderDetails. Customers and Orders have a data column
named CustomerID. Orders and OrderDetails have a data column named OrderID.
Orders have a foreign key constraint between Customers and Orders on CustomerID. OrderDetails has a foreign
key constraint between Orders and OrderDetails on OrderID. You want to populate Customers, Orders and
OrderDetails with data from Microsoft SQL Server database.
In which order should you fill the Data table objects?
A. Customers
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B. OrderDetails
C. Customers
D. Orders
Answer: C [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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