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[ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] one and the other. Hullo, what s that? the Christian way of getting truth. True! Why, there s a holy man near that Bo-Tree. replied the sage, but precious little they get. He ll tell me what it all means. Poor silly Learn, O Mahabrahma (for I penetrate this old Lord of the Universe ! Had he carried disguise), that all existin things, even from his memory back one more step he d have thee unto this grain of sand, possess known all about Jehjaour and the con- Three Characteristics. These are Mutability, spiracy, and that he was a Srotapatti and had Sorrow, and Unsubstantiality. only one more birth; and might well have All right for the sand, but how about put in the 311,040,000,000,000 myriads of æons Me ? Why, they define me as unchange- which would elapse before lunch in able. You can define a quirk as being a rejoicing over his imminent annihilation. two-sided triangle, retorted the Saviour, Venerable Sir! said Mahabrahma, but that does not prove the actual existence who had assumed the guise of a cowherd, I of any such oxymoron.1 The truth is that kiss your worshipful Trilbies :1 I prostrate you re a very spiritual sort of being and a myself before your eminent respectability. prey to longevity. Men s lives are so short Sir, said the holy man, none other than that yours seems eternal in comparison. But Our Lord Himself ! thou seekest illumina- why, you re a nice one to talk ! You ll be tion! Mahabrahma smirked and admitted dead in a week from now. it. From negative to positive, explained I quite appreciate the force of your the Thrice-Honoured One, through Poten- remarks ! said the seeming cowherd; that tial Existence eternally vibrates the Divine about the Characteristics is very clever; and Absolute of the Hidden Unity of proces- curiously enough, my perception of this had sional form masked in the Eternal Abyss always just preceded my death for the last of the Unknowable, the synthetic hiero- six goes. glyph of an illimitable, pastless, futureless Well, so long, old chap, said Gautama, PRESENT. I must really be off. I have an appoint- To the uttermost bounds of space rushes ment with Brother Mara at the Bo-Tree. He the voice of Ages unheard of save in the has promised to introduce his charming concentrated unity of the thought-formulated daughters Abstract; and eternally that voice formu- Good-bye, and don t do anything lates a word which is glyphed in the vast rash ! ocean of limitless life.2 Do I make myself Rejoice ! our Lord wended unto the clear ? Perfectly. Who would have Tree !2 As blank verse this scan but ill, but it thought it was all so simple ? The God clearly shows what happened. cleared his throat, and rather diffidently, even shamefacedly, went on : But what I really wished to know was XI. about my incarnation. How is it I have so The Nineteenth Mahakalpa brought suddenly risen from change and death to the ought its April Number. There was a paper unchangeable ? by Huxlananda Swami. Child ! answered Gautama, your facts Mahabrahma had never been much are wrong you can hardly expect to make more than an idea. He had only lived six 1 days. Feet. 2 This astonishing piece of bombastic drivel is 1 verbatim from a note by S.L. Mathers to the A contradiction in terms. 2 Kabbalah Unveiled. Arnold, Light of Asia. 76 APPENDIX I consider the Universe. More, its consciousness seems ingrained in my very XII. nature, perhaps through my having known this for many incarnations. I have never At the hour of the great Initiation, thought otherwise. continued the Buddha, in the midst of the Rise, Sir Abhavananda, I dub thee Five Hundred Thousand Arahats, the Arahat! cried the Buddha, striking the wicked Jehjaour had joined himself with neophyte ently on the back with the flat Mara to prevent the discovery of the truth. of his ear.1 And in Mara s fall he fell. At that moment And he perceived. all the currents of his continued and concen- When the applause and praise and glory trated Hate recoiled upon him and he fell had a little faded, the Buddha, in that golden into the Abyss of Being. And in the Halls of delight of sunset, explained these marvellous Birth he was cast out into the Lowest Hell events. Thou, Abhavananda, he said, art he became a clergyman of the Church of the Perdu R Abu of my lengthy tale. The England, further than he had ever been wicked Jehjaour has got something linger- before from Truth and Light and Peace and ing with boiling oil in it, while waiting for Love; deeper and deeper enmeshed in the his clerical clothes: while, as for me, I net of Circumstance, bogged in the mire of myself was the Bacillus in the forest of Tanha1 and Avigga2 and all things base and Lanka : I was the old Lady : I was (he vile. False Vichi-Kichi3 had caught him at shuddered) the British Government : I was last ! the mosquito that buzzed in the girl s flute : I was Bhavani : I was Huxlananda Swami ; XIII. and at the last, at this blessed hour, I am that I am. Aye! The hour was at hand. Perdu R But, Lord, said the Five Hundred Abu was reincarnated as a child of Western Thousand and One Arahats in a breath, parents, ignorant of all his wonderful past. thou art then guilty of six violent deaths ! But a strange fate has brought him to this Nay, thou hast hounded one soul from death village. The Buddha paused, probalby for to death through all these incarnations ! effect. [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] |
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